Friday, October 26, 2007

More tracks

Yeah, if you loved the last post, be sure to check out Answering Machine "Silent Hotels." I love the lyrics, "It just hit me, in this city, I talk to myself. I drink till I'm sick." It blows me away how good these guys are! Especially when you consider that, like Pull In Emergency, (Why Aren't We Dancing?) the average age of the members of this band is like 14!!! The Brits get kids like this, we get Lil' Romero. Now I feel cheated.

Friday, October 19, 2007

What I love right now

A few months back I heard a demo from Assembly Now. I couldn't stop playing it! These guys are great. Here is the title track from their current album (I have not found it for sale in Philadelphia, yet).

All summer I have been on this BritPoP kick. It started with the Wombats whose album "Boys, Girls and Marsupials" is absolutely addictive. A recent find in this genre is the Foals...

Finally, in the same general theme, try these guys out, enjoy Pull In Emergency, "Follow"